Can I post my porn ficlets (like, original or fanfiction with explicit real person porn gifs embedded in the text like this one) on the following platforms? Or just straight-up host a Penis Friday?
Dreamwidth? YES
Pillowfort? YES
- (must be 18 to register): 18+ content allowed with this exception – Posting sexual, violent, or otherwise offensive content, persistently and in an unrelated community or tag (i.e. ‘spamming’) with the intent to offend and disturb other users.
Twitter? soft and poorly defined YES
- “Twitter allows some forms of graphic violence and/or adult content in Tweets marked as containing sensitive media. However, you may not use such content in live video, your profile, or header images.”
LiveJournal? soft and poorly defined YES
- you can but you must: “Mark Content estimated by Russian legislation as inappropriate for children (0 −18) as “adult material” by using Service functions.”
DeviantART? NO
- you cannot use it “to upload, post, or otherwise transmit any material that is obscene, offensive, blasphemous, pornographic, unlawful, threatening, menacing, abusive, harmful, an invasion of privacy or publicity rights, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, illegal or otherwise objectionable…. DeviantART strictly prohibits the submission of materials classified as pornographic or obscene. There is no exception to this prohibition. Certain content may be deemed obscene by the administration and as such the staff reserves the right to remove such content immediately upon discovery. The administration reserves the sole right to review and classify questionable material as obscene or not obscene.”
Instagram? NO
- “ for a variety of reasons, we don’t allow nudity on Instagram. This includes photos, videos, and some digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully-nude buttocks. It also includes some photos of female nipples, but photos of post-mastectomy scarring and women actively breastfeeding are allowed. Nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures is OK, too.”
Pinterest? NO
- “We remove porn. We may hide nudity or erotica. Most artistic, scientific or educational nudity is OK. We may hide this and other explicit content from public places. Paintings, statues and other real world art, and content that shows breastfeeding or mastectomies are always OK. We always remove images of explicit sexual activity or fetishes, and nude or partially nude people in sexually suggestive poses.” [They actually have examples of what’s ok which is nic ]
Wattpad? NO
- there’s a huge amount of info on what’s not allowed. From what I can gather it’s a no to PWP, no non-con or dub-con and no pictures, gifs or videos containing nudity or sexual acts ‘regardless of whether private parts are visible.’ “The following sexual content is not allowed on Wattpad, and will be removed: Pornographic stories. Wattpad considers content to be pornographic when it exists solely for the purpose of sexual stimulation.” So not even written erotica!!!
WordPress? NO
- “We do permit mature content on, including text, images and videos that contain nudity, offensive language, and mature subject material. However, blogs that contain such content must be marked as Mature in our system. Please don’t: Post visual depictions of sexually explicit acts (such as, but not limited to, images, videos, and drawings) that can be considered pornographic”
Feel free to signal boost this so everyone can know. I’m only asking yea/nay for explicit porn gifs, so if you want to know about drawings, written erotica, etc, then read the blurbs.
We all have to thank @charlio44 for doing all the reading/research on these. I just sat around on the other end and cried into my wine glass.
On the plus side, if you’re following me, you can now pretty much ignore any platform that’s a hard no, I just don’t see the point. If you’re not following me yet, hit up the first 4 and I’ll follow you back. It seems a pretty safe bet that Tumblr is going to pull the plug on my blog here.
Tumblr Alternatives That Will Welcome Your Dirty Smut, You Horny Bastards